Epic Commuter Challenge - 2022

Epic Commuter Challenge - 2022

Commute Challenge 2022 is the Green initiative by Chennai Cyclists, which aims to increase the number of bicycle commuters in the city & thereby decrease the pollution levels with health benefits to the rider as a bonus.

This challenge requires rider to use bicycle for commuting for a minimum of 100 days between March 1st and 31st December, 2022. Minimum commute distance is 2km. Commute can be travel to work, shopping, hanging out with friends, visiting relatives etc. In short, wherever you go, wherever you can use your bicycle for commuting.

Rewards: Along with direct benefits of Bicycle commuting on your health, wallet, and environment; WCCG honors the Commute challenge finishers with a beautiful Epic Commuter award.

We urge you to encourage your friends, family & coworkers also to take part in this challenge.

Event Details

Date: Feb 28 2022 6:30 pm to Dec 31 2022 6:29 pm
Organizer: Commute BiCycle
Start Point: Your Home

Contact Details

LocationYour Office/Market/School